

We have extensive experience in organizing full event in addition to performing specific services such as participant’s registration, exhibition management or accommodation for any kind of event.

We provide full service management for conferences including but not limited to conference design, abstract management, software, program development, registration, site and venue selection and booking, audiovisuals, IT support, logistics, leisure management, marketing, printing and web services, sourcing speakers, funding, sponsorship and exhibitor sales, financial management and budget control.

Connected Manufacturing Conference will bring together insights of Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things and Smart Manufacturing from leading experts and high ranking speakers from business and science to present and discuss core elements of Connected Manufacturing. One focus question will be, how Connected Manufacturing can best contribute to increasing economic competitiveness in manufacturing process and automation. With Factory Automation, manufacturers and industrial companies can build one common, converged, and rugged plant-to-business network.

At the coming exhibition , we are hosting presentation and dialogues at Connected Manufacturing Conference to bring together leading experts and high ranking speakers from business and science to present and discuss core elements of connected automation for industries. One focus question will be, how Connected Manufacturing can best contribute to increasing economic competitiveness in manufacturing automation.